Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who,What, Where, Why

What? Incomprehensible amounts of paper are being made all around the world. Paper products in general, specifically printing paper and copy paper are the focus. Everything that we use to print documents or write on. These products are carelessly being used not even to its full potential. There are numerous techniques and methods to improve our consumption rate.

Who? As a community, we students and faculty members should try our best to reduce our paper consumption. It is our responsibility to save paper in order to save trees, money, and can better the ecosystems around the world. If each and every one of us takes the initiative and makes it our goal to save paper the community as a whole will save paper in no time.

Why? Clicking the Print button is easy. We really don't think of how wasteful it can be sometime because its so simple. We don't think of the forest worldwide getting chopped down, we don't think of the harmful chemicals released into the air. Printing paper and writing in landfills could have been recycled up to a dozen more times, saving trees, water, energy and reducing pollution.
Excessive build up on landfills are because of paper, 40%-50%.

Where? Our focus is the Albuquerque Academy campus, specifically making an impact on each division, the 6-7, 8-9, and 10-12. We can possibly make an impact on each department as well, Mathematics, Language, Science, History and English. These two tactics are two effective ways of mapping out or paper reduction around campus.

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